Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Same Sex Mentoring

I have been talking about the importance of mentoring for many years, and not just about veterans mentoring new employees. I have mentioned reverse mentoring, so older people in management get to learn about Gen X and Y, and also about technology. An article in Psychology of Women Quarterly states that women get more out of same-sex mentoring, than by being mentored by a male. It seems that women mentoring women raises the self esteem for those mentored. In addition, it also gives those females mentored a perspective on what to do and what not to do that can threaten their careers. On the other hand, it seems that men are not affected by which sex they are mentored by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is so true about women mentoring women! Maybe because we can understand each other, where as it is harder to understand from a man's point of view. women mentoring can definitely help out in the work place as well.