Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Get Them To Release You

When an employee leaves, ask them to sign a release saying it is okay to give out employment and performance information when a prospective employer calls you. This release can be very simple, such as: I give permission for ABC Company to release performance information to prospective employers, and release ABC Company from any liability for discussing this information. Explain to the exiting employee, that without it, you will not verify anything, thus making it useless to use them as a reference. Over 90% of people agree to this, and it helps you to discuss people's performance with prospective employers without any problems.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Decision Day

Here's an idea that came from a seminar attendee on my program entitled, "Turning Around Turnover." The top level operations manager stated at her firm they give people a " Decision Day" just before they fire them. This is after they have done all the proper documentation and warnings. They give them the day off with pay, where they ask them to think about making a decision between two choices when they come back in the next day. Either, they can accept immediate termination, or they can decide to stay on, but must sit down and write up an action plan to improve in whatever areas are needed by certain deadline dates.